Internal Medicine

Internal Medicine is a medical specialty that provides continuous and comprehensive care to patients from the outpatient clinic to the inpatient units, while assuming full responsibility for this care.

In principle, internist doctors should be able to deal with all problems that present in patients, and very specifically the overall picture of these, although it will often be necessary for other specialists to intervene in order to make the correct diagnosis and provide appropriate treatment. The most defining characteristic of this specialty is this overall picture or overview. 

Internal Medicine as a specialty consists in providing comprehensive and scientific clinical care that at all times combines pathophysiological, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects with the patient´s human aspects, through the appropriate use of available medical resources. Internists must have extensive clinical experience together with in-depth scientific knowledge and a proven capacity for professional development, and must take responsibility for the personal, continuous care of their patients.

Internists act as consultants for other specialists, and in turn can take specialists´opinions into account in order to improve the patient´s overall care. The very nature of Internal Medicine, which comprehensibely and inclusively covers the diagnostic and therapeutic processes of disease and its expression through the patient, requires a thorough understnading of the scientific bases of pathophysiology and of the diagnostic and therapeutic proceudres for internal diseases in broadest sense. No morbid process or clinical problem suffered by a patient should be beyond the competence and responsibility of an internist, even if he or she does call on the experience of other specialists whenever necessary, as is logical. 

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+34 914 452 126

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