Dentistry / Stomatology

Oral Medicine is the medical-surgical specialty concerning the understanding of the stomatognathic-facial structures and their appendages; their relationships with the rest of the human body, both in illness and in health; and the diagnostic, preventive and curative procedures that tend to improve, maintain and restore their anatomical and functional integrity.


Like all medical specialties, Oral Medicine is essentially focused on meeting the specific needs of society, which is ensured through adequate training.

Applications of Densitry and Stomatology

The applications of this specialty concern both the individual and the community, and as a result of its content it has links to:

  • a. Medicine in general, and more specifically specialties which in some way relate to the stomatognathic system, its appendages, and topographically and functionally related structures.
  • b. Human activities which when carried out pose a risk to the stomatognathic system.
  • c. Professions focused on improving quality of life and social relations, especially teaching professions, given that the basis of prevention lies in good hygiene and eating habits, acquired through health education, which is key at school age.
  • d. Dentistry and professions relating to dental health.
  • e. The industry relating to Dentistry/Oral Medicine.

Appointments or enquiries

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We will assist you at any hospital in Spain.

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