
Neurology is the medical specialty that studies the structure, function and development of the central and peripheral nervous systems, in both a normal and a pathological state, using all the study, diagnosis and treatment techniques that are currently in use or that may be developed in the future.

Neurology comprehensively deals with the medical care of neurological patients, with the teaching of subjects concerning the nervous system, and with basic and clinically applied research within the field of Neuroscience.

A neurologist is a doctor who practises the specialty of Neurology, having mastered all the specialist knowledge and techniques required to provide neurological care, carry out research in the field and teach the specialty. The specialty covers the areas of healthcare, teaching and research.


Dr. A.S. Paul Cardinal

Medical Director of International Patient in Madrid. ICU Coordinator at HM Torrelodones HM Hospitales Sanchinarro.

Dr. A.S. Paul Cardinal

Medical Director of International Patient in Madrid. ICU Coordinator at HM Torrelodones HM Hospitales Sanchinarro.

Integrated and Specialized Health Centers